The only World of Warcraft guild to be featured twice in Wired Magazine...

<Goon Squad>

Why bother with any other guild?

<Goon Squad> is by and large THE best guild on Herod, if not all of World of Warcraft. We achieved "World First - Level 60 (Classic)" and we're over 2000 accounts strong, with many members having multiple level 60 characters. Within the guild we have countless crafters with every available tradeskill and even the rarest recipes. <Goon Squad> has multiple raiding teams and PvP gank squads for all levels of content.

Aside from all the above benefits, also has a massive Discord server, eight guild mules fully stocked with flasks, potions, elixirs, enchanting materials, over 100k gold for repairs, and the best Classic raiding consumables freely available for every GOLD level and above member. We also have an extensive DKP system which has been running for fifteen years strong that’s been picked back up off from our original Vanilla runs, several hundred mule WoW accounts containing rare and powerful tradable Bind on Equip items and a massively active forums system.

After World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade was released, many of our elite members were unsatisfied with Outland so we continued on our very own private server, living in the best game Blizzard Entertainment had ever produced. When World of Warcraft: Classic was announced almost two decades later, many jumped off but insist that they never truly left their home field advantage. With multiple raids running Molten Core and Onyxia every day, every player in <Goon Squad> has eviservated the content available in Phase 1 and eagerly await to open palm slam Nefarian’s head on a pike in Orgrimmar. (Videos of Nefarian being killed will be uploaded and released for the public when other guilds have had an opportunity to defeat Broodlord Lashlayer).

What are you missing?

So what are you waiting for?

How to Join!

First and foremost, you need to select your desired membership level!

Bronze Membership

<Goon Squad>'s most basic membership. Along with a guild invite, BRONZE members get access to <Goon Squad>'s vast pool of crafters, Discord server and rank, and forums. BRONZE members also may do only pre level 60 dungeons.

Silver Membership

Along with all the benefits of BRONZE membership, SILVER members are able to clear trash with <Goon Squad>'s Phase 1 raids, and do level 60 dungeons including Scholomance and Lower Blackrock Spire. SILVER members have their maximum DKP limit set to 500. Upgrading to this membership level also allows members to participate in <Goon Squad> pre-made honor farming groups when Phase 2 is released!

Gold Membership

As well as all the previously listed membership benefits, GOLD members are given priority for raids. Molten Core and Onyxia are available to be run. The DKP limit is once again raised to 1000 total DKP, and the DKP cost of items is discounted 10%. GOLD members are allowed access to officer chat and special GOLD-only forums. GOLD members also get raiding priority over lower memberships, and complete free access to all of the consumables in the guild bank. GOLD members may also choose to utilize the services of an authentic Chinese player to farm reputation and honor for a monthly fee of $7.95. (This feature requires you to NOT POSSESS AN AUTHENTICATOR.)

Platinum Membership

<Goon Squad>'s second highest membership level. PLATINUM members of course are awarded the bonuses of all the lesser memberships, but have no DKP limit, a 25% discount on the cost of DKP items, and a guaranteed slot in all raids. PLATINUM members are given exclusive access to experience progression raiding in 40 player raids instances. PLATINUM members are given moderator status on the forums, and the ability to mute lower members in guild chat and Discord.

Diamond Membership

DIAMOND membership holders receive all the bonuses of the previous tiers, in addition to a 2% DKP to Gold "Cash Back" reward account. DIAMOND members are also entitled to be first in line for Legendaries, including Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, and Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian with all reagents and components provided!

Premium Classic Membership


NEW to Goon Squad: Classic! Purchasing a bonus Classic package on top of a DIAMOND will grant you an executive seat in the Board of Directors for Goon Squad LLC, granting you untold wealth and power. You MUST be a member to be eligable for obtaining a Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal and obtaining the incredible title of Scarab Lord when Phase 5 opens! Please contact us 24 hours in advance so we may terminate an existing member as seats are EXTREMELY competitive.

Membership Dues

A guild as large as <Goon Squad> would not be possible without full time guild managers. <Goon Squad> currently employs a guild master, seven raid leaders, and a systems administrator responsible for keeping the forums and Bitcoin farm running smoothly.

*Does not automatically include the Premium Membership bonus. Please contact our sales division for a quote. Basically, if you have to ask, you can't afford it!

Purchasing DKP Boosters

Want an item that drops, but don't have the DKP? No problem, DKP can be purchased for $1.95 per point. (DKP gift certificates are also available.)

But that's not all...

<Goon Squad> features and extensive referral program, the details of which can be viewed by members of the forums. Simply put, the more people you recruit, the more DKP you earn. You also earn DKP referral bonuses for the members that your referrals refer to us! All of your DKP referral statistics and DKP purchases can be viewed in real time on the <Goon Squad> DKP tracker. Purchased DKP can be used instantly as soon as your funds clear, and generally before bidding begins on an item raiders are given the opportunity to purchase more DKP.

DKP Usage

Loot rules are very simple, when loot drops, it is requested to be traded to it's highest bidder with DKP. Priority will be given based off your respective rank in Goon Squad, with possible exceptions based on the game warden or administrators present at the time.

Purchasing Gear as a non-Goon Squad Member

<Goon Squad> offers a gear-buying system for non-members. Pricing is based on item level. After purchasing a slot in a raid in which the item drops you will be sent the time and date by which the raid will take place. You will not be taken to the raid until you have paid for the item. If you do not attend the raid a fee of $1 will be added. We do not accept gold as a USD substitute.

Benefactors Club

The <Goon Squad> Benefactors Club is a group for people who donate regularly to <Goon Squad>. The Benefactors Club is open to non-<Goon Squad> members. The benefits of the Benefactors Club is exclusive rights to post on the <Goon Squad> forums and they get their own dedicated sub-forum that only they can post in. <Goon Squad> has the right to remove any member of the Benefactors Club without refund. Benefactors may also recive Goon Squad based Loot Crates delivered to an address of their chioce.

Payment Methods

<Goon Squad> offers a variety of payment options-

Credit Card Payment

Bank Account Transfer




Money orders, checks, and cash (mailed in a birthday card or something else inconspicuous) are all also accepted.

What are you waiting for?

For more information, additional payment options, or testimonials, roll a toon on Herod Horde, /who goon, and send anyone a tell! Be sure to include the phrase "CLASSICTROLL" for 10% off your next order!

<Goon Squad> requires the payment of at least 3 months worth of subscription fees, after the application procedure has been completed and the $25 application fee has been processed. The month that your invoice is processed depends on the date of sign-up. Depending on the date of sign-up, the 1st invoice may be for 2 or more months of subscription fees. If paying by check or money order, DKP and memberships will not be honored until the funds clear.

Copyright ©2004-2026, Goon Squad Inc.

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